Planning the Music Video
So, I've already got the beginning of this video planned out. At least of course, for the day that we end up filming. We have to create our storyboards in just a second, but that'll be shown elsewhere. For now we just wanted to figure out where we're going, since we can't film this video on our school's campus this time. We have to be outside of school, basically anywhere else. It doesn't matter-- we could go to the beach, the park, Disney or something if we really felt like it. I got a general idea of what we're going to be doing, but I won't be in charge of much besides acting and editing since I know i'm not the most creative person. At least, out of everybody in my group, I know my ideas will probably lack in depth than compared to those of others. On the bright side, I have a lot of a technological skill, so my role will come in later on in the project. Once we get the storyboard done, i'll basically be set since that's like the entire video put on a piece of paper for me to form together. Well.. at least better than I did during the commercial project. I think everything will be at least somewhat cohesive this time. I know for sure that we have a way to get to whatever destination we need to go to, since one of us has a car. As long as we end up going somewhere after school we can all just run over to the parking lot and jump in the car and go somewhere random. We might be able to use a stage at another school, which should work since it technically isn't at OUR campus, no? Emily's mom works at a middle school so we can probably take advantage of that.
Our full schedule is:
- Plan, make the storyboard. 11/18
- We only have access to the setting for a day, because of the fact that we can only go since Emily's mom works there. We're going to film early to do it all in that time period. Emily will check out the camera and everything and we'll head straight over. 11/19
- Complete/start on blogs so that we can be ahead and not swamped with work later on. 11/20
- Figure out music and timing of sounds so that we can match it all together with the film. We don't want an audio mishaps this time. 11/21
- Discuss minor details and flow just in case we want to add anything. Relax, it's the weekend. 11/22
- Edit the film blogs on the off-chance that we made any last minute decisions. Be ready to finish up soon. 11/25
- Finish our last filming blog. 12/2
- D-Day, submit the video. 12/9
- Submit CCR to my teacher's email. Writing this will probably take a while, so I might end up starting early. The first/second question can sometimes be answered before the completion of the project. 12/11
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