Friday, January 31, 2020

Title Research: Watch The Titles

Title Research: Watch The Titles

    Today my group and I are focusing on researching titles through a helpful website called Watch the Titles. Through this research, we hope to focus on coming up with some cool ideas to express our titles. Since our main film will be only two minutes, the idea of having titles is very important as it will take most of the time.To begin, the purpose of a title is to not only inform on who helped create the film but to also set a scene for the movie. The actual titles need to focus on naming the actors, producers and everyone who helped create the film this also includes; the main leads and the different studios that need to be mentioned. The actual shot where the title is put needs to be done with purpose to catch the attention of the audience.
    This site (Watch the Titles) gives the audience, who is interested in learning about the way titles are created, a sneak peek into different movies. Also how their titles set the course and feel for the movie as a whole. This website was easy to maneuver and helped us learn many ways to go about our title. The different shots that were taken or used mad the title feel like it told the movie but left out the dialogue and the people behind it. For certain titles the feel of the movie had to be dark and scary like a horror or crime movie title. For the romance and other movie titles it held a warm feeling and had symbols within the title piece to allude to the overall aspect of the movie. this website is well organized to better introduce the main aspects of the titles. It splits it in two places the title sequences and the main Designers and Studios. This is so if we are looking for a certain person for inspiration or if we are just looking for a genre we have better access to those resources without having to do extensive research. This saves time and helps us to learn faster.
   This site also has other sections for the audience to view more categories without having to look for a specific genre and or director/studio. The sections are; Feature Film, TV shows,Event titles (like for a special showing or an exclusive look into a video game or other types of media), Student projects so we can see people our skill level do titles, and a special genre just for that day of the week. This makes the audience want to return to this site due to the many ways they want to make learning fun and easy. This also help us to come to a conclusion faster and helps us figure out what we want our to look like. 

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